On Saturday 15 September Prof. Vijay Verma, Honorary fellow Centre ASESD Camilo Dagum, passed away

By | Monday September 17th, 2018

On Saturday 15 September Prof. Vijay Verma, Honorary fellow Centre ASESD Camilo Dagum, passed away in Siena.

He was a reference point for research in Survey Methodology and Survey Sampling.  During his long and successful career, he collaborated with many international organizations and trained many young researchers.

Vijay taught at the University of Siena in Italy as contract professor, he constantly took part in the research activities of the University and the Centre.

We remember him with deep affection, esteem and gratitude for all his valuing teachings and advice.

Vijay Verma:  Poverty: Cross-sectional, multimensional, longitudinal
Workshop Jean Monnet SAMPLEU “Small Area Methods and living conditions indicators in European poverty studies in the era of data deluge and Big data”Table 2. Multidimensional poverty at a local level how to synthetize the dimensions?  – 28 May 2018