Activities MAKSWELL project

The Centre was involved in the H2020 MAKSWELL project through a third party agreement between the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications of the University of Florence and the Department of Political Economy and Statistics of the ‘University of Siena.

The project ended in October 2020. Thanks to the collaboration of various members of the Centre, 8 deliverables were defined during the project (available here).

The Centre organizes the session “New sources, frameworks and methods for official statistics” to the “2nd Workshop of MAKSWELL: Main findings and looking forward – Satellite event at NTSS 2019” (Bruxelles, 15 March 2019).

During the “MAKSWELL Final Conference” (21 October 2020) the Director of the Centre has presented a summary of the activities carried out by the centre. The title of the presentation was “Calculating regional price indices to improve poverty measurement”.